In summer 2023, YPI underwent an assessment to capture the impact of the YPI program’s 18 years of service in the Tulsa community.
Read the full assessment here.

Over the past 18 years of service, YPI has supported a total of 15 cohorts and over 360 individual high school students across the Tulsa area. YPI students have represented 25 public and private schools, with some of the highest participation from Booker T. Washington High School, Holland Hall, Jenks High School, and Union High School. The gender balance is approximately 66% female and 34% male. Students represent a wide range of groups across race, religion, political, and socioeconomic identities.

25 Schools

358 Students

student impact by the numbers…

My time in YPI has been well spent.

92.86% of students agree

I have learned things in YPI that I can apply in other situations.

97.62% of students agree

YPI has provided me with new ways of thinking about things.

97.62% of students agree

I would recommend YPI to others.

100% of students agree